Post 1: My Very Short Autobiography.

 Hi all!!


You have to write your auto biographies. You have to include:

- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family Info
- Hobbies
- Others...

> Number of words: 100 (minimum)
> Comment on the Teacher's sample post.
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts

I was born far south, well, not so far, just 510 km south from the capital.

My home city used to be Concepción, where in 1985 I was born; but when I was 5 years old my Father got a job in another city so we had to move to Los Angeles.

Los Ángeles is a small city, at about 180 km from Concepción, it's a service and pulp-industry town, and it is also the capital city of the Bio-Bio Province.

The city is sourrounded by very green landscapes and because of the pulp industry, the sorroundings nowadays, is nearly covered with pine trees and eucalyptus, which are used for the production of the raw material used to make paper.

My father, who is an engineer, and my mother, who is a housewife, took us all with them and I ended up being raised in this new town. I also went to school there. I spent all my life, from 1st primary to 4th high school in catholic institutions.

My hobbies were not many, I used to play volleyball, I took guitar lessons, but finally, I think the most enjoyable hobby was to learn new languages, and because there were not many options, I studied English.

After high school I went to college and after graduating, I was granted with a scholarship by the British Council to go and study in the UK, so I went to live for one year in the cold north of England. 
There I lived in a city called Sheffield, I worked as a language teacher for Rotherham City Council (another nearby county) and I was studying my courses in Manchester. It was a bit exhausting for all the travelling but I was young and happy for the opportunity. 

After finishing my scholarship I flew to France and spent several months in Paris where I could learn French and get to travel around Europe. Finally, I moved back to Chile, directly to my hometown and after the 2010 Super Earthquake, life brought me to Santiago where I have been living for the past 10 years. Except for these 2 years in pandemic, when I decided to move back to the country for a while, but now I'm back in town.

I hope my future helps me keep my southern roots and perhaps, I will come back to the south fo day.

Lastly, one anecdote: 

One of my favourite bands of all times is the Arctic Monkeys, they are from Sheffield, the city I lived during my studies in the UK. And the funny thing is that the band has an old video which location is the street I used to live in Sheffield!, Actually you can even see the Pub I used to go to with friends.

Here's the link, in case you want to see more of the real english streets.


  1. I like his autobiography in special your travel to UK because I think is a real opportunity to adapt to the language you learn, besides You had the special moment to see your favourite band, so cool!

  2. Interesting autobiography, Wow, how incredible it must have been to travel to all those places, especially traveling to England, how nice it must have been to know all those places.

  3. I really liked his autobiography and I discovered that we have things in common, I still play volleyball and took guitar lessons, but I never liked English very much

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I like his biography. Also my hometown is Yumbel which is located between Concepción and Los Angeles, about 70 km from Concepción and 60 km from Los Angeles

  6. I think his mini autobiography is very interesting, and it's great that he had the opportunity to get to know other countries, cities, and above all other cultures different from our own.

  7. It must be a very strong change have living in Los Angeles and move to an European country where a lot of manners and food are different. By the way, I have family in the south too, in Cabrero city. Thanks for sharing your autobiography.

  8. Is too interesting when a person can make a hobby in a job, is so gratifying for the live

  9. The autobiography is very entertaining, especially the ending, I love that Arctic Monkeys video

  10. wow! you know many places, that is great!!

  11. Is awesome how you have lived at other country like England , so interesting.


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